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Choose a topic and view a curated dashboard.
- Pre-built geographic boundaries
- Pre-built dashboard
- Shareable link for dashboard
- Covers all of Central Indiana
Choose your community and build a dashboard.
- Custom geographic boundaries
- Custom dashboard
- Save your work
- Shareable link for dashboard
- Covers all of Central Indiana
Choose a population and view a dashboard with data specific to that group.
- Pre-built geographic boundaries
- Pre-built dashboard
- Shareable link for dashboard
- Covers all of Central Indiana
Create a downloadable community needs assessment.
- Custom geographic boundaries
- Pre-built dashboard
- Save your work
- Printable, editable report
- Covers all of Central Indiana
Choose an Indy neighborhood and explore a dashboard.
- Pre-built neighborhood boundaries
- Pre-built dashboard
- Shareable link for dashboard
- Covers Indianapolis
Explore thousands of indicators in maps and tables.
- Pre-built geographic boundaries
- Select individual indicators
- Save your work
- Covers all of Central Indiana
Choose an Indiana county and explore a dashboard
- Pre-built dashboard
- Shareable link for dashboard
- Covers all Indiana counties
- United Way service areas