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The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is a division of the US Department of Homeland Security. As a part of its mission, FEMA works with and assists local jurisdictions and individuals to prepare for and respond to natural and man-made disasters. As a part of its mission FEMA approves the regulatory flood boundary used to determine whether a home owner must purchase flood insurance. That regulatory flood boundary is the 100-year or 1% flood boundary. This means that the likelihood of a flood event reaching the extent of the boundary is 1% in any given year.

Example Indicators

Percent of area within flood boundary


Data is available in SAVI for this area:

Reporting Level

Data is available in SAVI at these geographic levels:

Data Years

Data is available in SAVI for these years:
2018 - 2020

Use This Data In SAVI

This data source is used in the following SAVI tools.