This workshop teaches the next steps of persuasively communicating what you have learned after gaining initial insight from data. You will learn the skills to put your analysis in […]
This workshop will help you apply the skills learned in other workshops to your own real-world, data-informed project. The workshop instructor will reach out to you prior to the […]
Before you can begin using data to inform decisions, identify what you are trying to accomplish and determine how data can help you get there. This will determine what […]
Answering the questions necessary to achieve goals requires locating and using the right data and tools. This workshop covers the strengths, weaknesses, and costs of readily available data sets, […]
Data is most powerful when you understand its limits. This module will give you the knowledge to think critically about data, making you aware of what can cause noise […]
Charts are a powerful tool for analyzing and communicating information through tables, graphs or diagrams. This workshop provides you with the skills you need to get the most value […]