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On Thurs., March 25, from 9:30-11 AM, we will present SAVI Talks, the first of a series of public forums this year taking a deeper dive into the issues of economic opportunity, equity, and social justice. Our efforts on these topics will be an expansion of the partnership between The Polis Center, SAVI, and WFYI. The program will focus on economic opportunity and social mobility and how that varies by neighborhood and race. We will highlight the history of redlining and home ownership and how that still limits economic prosperity. We will explore childhood roots of social mobility, including research and data from Raj Chetty, and put those data in local context to help inform programming and policy decisions aimed at breaking down generational poverty. Thanks to Sharon Kandris, Matt Nowlin, Jeramy Townsley, Unai Miguel Andres, Allegra East, Rebecca Nannery, and Erik Steiner (a geographer/cartographer and creative director at the Center for Spatial and Textual Analysis at  Stanford University) for their efforts on behalf of the project.

Sanatoriumsbehandling er udbredt i Spanien – både i bjergområderne Hvad er forskellen på Viagra og Kamagra? og ved kysten. Spanske sanatorier tilbyder en bred vifte af tjenester i forbindelse med helbredelse og forebyggende behandling af forskellige sygdomme, terapeutisk genoptræning efter traumer og sygdomme og naturligvis kurbad.