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In April, we completed the final Great Families 2020 (GF2020) evaluation activities. A United Way of Central Indiana (UWCI) program, GF2020 aimed to improve financial stability among families in Indianapolis by using a two-generational approach to service delivery. Polis partnered with IU Public Policy Institute (PPI) to provide evaluation and capacity building for the initiative. The final Polis products released in April for project stakeholders and public audiences include a data dashboard, which houses the aggregate results for the program across all neighborhood sites, along with data stories summarizing program outcomes for each of the five areas/neighborhoods: Far Eastside, Near Eastside, Near Westside, Northeast side, and Northwest/Midtown. The Polis team for this final phase included Sharon Kandris, Rebecca Nannery–who led the story development, and Matt Nowlin–who led the design. The final comprehensive evaluation report written by Polis and PPI in late 2020 has recently been published on the AmeriCorps Evidence Exchange.

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