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Don’t miss this great chance to learn about the IndyVitals digital tool at the first SAVI Talks! event of 2016 on Thursday, June 30, at WFYI, 1630 N. Meridian Street, Indianapolis, IN 46202!

Find out why city leaders for the Indianapolis Bicentennial Plan envisioned technology helping to strategize and track the plan’s impact. Experience IndyVitals yourself by discovering how to identify neighborhood assets, problems, and gaps, and learn how data helps to inform place-based decision making. We guarantee that you’ll walk away pumped up about how you can use it to make a difference!

Guest speakers include:

  • Brad Beaubien, Long Range Planning Administrator, City of Indianapolis
  • Brooke Thomas, Deputy Director, The Greater Indianapolis Progress Committee
  • Sharon Kandris, SAVI Director, The Polis Center at IUPUI
  • Leigh Evans, CEO, Mapleton-Fall Creek Development Corporation

Breakfast and networking start at 7:45 a.m. with the presentation at 8:00 a.m. followed by discussion. Highlights from roundtables and conclusion will wrap things up at 9:45 a.m.

SAVI Talks! is sponsored by IUPUI and IU School of Liberal Arts

To register, click here.  Space is limited so sign up now!



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