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We have expanded information on the Coronavirus Data Hub that The Polis Center  created to show Central Indiana neighborhoods at higher risk of severe and deadly cases, based on demographic data and health estimates, Indiana COVID-19 reported cases, and Indiana County-level Cases and Risks.

We added information on social isolation in older adults, food/meal locations in Marion County, and a dashboard tracking reported cases and trends for each county in the U.S.

  • SOCIAL ISOLATION: In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, The Polis Center—in collaboration with the Central Indiana Senior Fund (CISF)—developed an interactive story map that shows the local risk of social isolation in older adults 65 and older in Indiana. Social distancing may help minimize the rate of infection, but it can exacerbate social isolation. Research shows that social isolation is an important determinant of health, affecting mental and physical well-being.
    • Depicts older adult populations in Indiana that are vulnerable to social isolation, differentiating urban and rural areas. Built on data from the American Community Survey.
    • Urban areas generally have much higher social isolation scores than rural communities. Populations in poverty, unmarried households, living alone, and with disabilities tend to concentrate in cities and towns.
    • Focuses on four factors thought to contribute to social isolation—poverty, living alone, marital status, and disability.
    • Offers examples of Indianapolis, Fort Wayne, Bloomington, and rural Indiana to show how to interpret the data. Users can then click on and zoom into their own neighborhood to explore its risk level for social isolation of older adults.
    • Based on an index developed by the United Health Foundation’s America’s Health Rankings Senior Report. Polis is developing a local version of the social isolation index.
    • The Polis Center and the Central Indiana Senior Fund are producing a State of Aging in Central Indiana report and information portal to launch in early 2021 that will inform decision-making about programs, funding, and policy intended to ensure Central Indiana seniors have equal opportunity for a healthy, dignified, and enjoyable life as they age into retirement and beyond.
  • FOOD/MEAL LOCATIONS: The Polis Center, using the SAVI Community Information System, collaborated with the United Way of Central Indiana to create an interactive map of active food and meal sites. Users can map this information alongside food desert areas and neighborhood COVID-19 risk areas.
    • Features food pantries and soup kitchens currently open during COVID-19 pandemic as well as sites such as places of worship, schools, pop-up sites, and parks where meals and packed lunches are being provided by IPS, Gleaners, IndyParks, Second Helpings, and the Indiana Housing Authority.
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