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This is an update to our 2018 report. By combining data from different elements of the criminal justice system, we reveal basic statistics about domestic violence in Marion County.

Some key findings include:

  • In 2020, there were an estimated 10,105 victims of domestic violence (one percent of the population) and 5,880 perpetrators reported in the legal system.
  • Victims’ gender is predominantly recorded as female (71 percent in 2020), with the largest group aged 25-29. Victims of male gender make up a higher proportion in 2020 (23 percent) than in 2016 (17 percent).
  • Perpetrators’ gender is predominantly reported as male (81 percent in 2020), with the largest group aged 30-34.
  • Forty-five percent of victims are Black and 40 percent are White. Domestic violence victims are disproportionately Black. Comparatively, 27 percent of the population is Black and 51 percent is white.