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Where You Live Matters: Exploring Community Health and Risk Factors in Central Indiana

Where You Live Matters: Exploring Community Health and Risk Factors in Central Indiana

Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Dept. Use of Force Report

Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Dept. Use of Force Report

Understanding Context for Ministry: Urban, Suburban, Rural

Understanding Context for Ministry: Urban, Suburban, Rural

Empowering Indiana Communities with Evictions & Foreclosure Data

Empowering Indiana Communities with Evictions & Foreclosure Data

Empowering Indiana Communities with Evictions & Foreclosure Data

Empowering Indiana Communities with Evictions & Foreclosure Data

How is Indianapolis Doing?

How is Indianapolis Doing?

Quantifying the effects of lead exposure on children’s futures

Quantifying the effects of lead exposure on children’s futures

Greenspace Assessment for Marion County

Greenspace Assessment for Marion County

Academic Standardized Test Scores for the Hearing Aid Assistance Program of Indiana (HAAPI) Participants and Applicants

Academic Standardized Test Scores for the Hearing Aid Assistance Program of Indiana (HAAPI) Participants and Applicants

Equity in Criminal Prosecutions: Analyzing Case Filings from the Marion County Prosecutor’s Office

Equity in Criminal Prosecutions: Analyzing Case Filings from the Marion County Prosecutor’s Office

2022 Midterm Election Voter Turnout in Marion County

2022 Midterm Election Voter Turnout in Marion County

Transportation Equity and the Older Adult Population

Transportation Equity and the Older Adult Population

Domestic Violence in Marion County Criminal Justice System – 2022

Domestic Violence in Marion County Criminal Justice System – 2022

The Good Jobs Gap

The Good Jobs Gap

Data & Drafts Follow the Money: Indianapolis Evictions in 2022

Data & Drafts Follow the Money: Indianapolis Evictions in 2022

Data & Drafts: A Decade of Decline: College-Going Rates in Central Indiana

Data & Drafts: A Decade of Decline: College-Going Rates in Central Indiana

Who is in the Marion County Jail? Exploring Length of Stay through an Equity Lens

Who is in the Marion County Jail? Exploring Length of Stay through an Equity Lens

The State of Tenants in Central Indiana

The State of Tenants in Central Indiana

Modern Redlining in Indianapolis?

Modern Redlining in Indianapolis?

A Deep Dive into Affordable Rental Housing

A Deep Dive into Affordable Rental Housing

Our Changing City, Block by Block

Our Changing City, Block by Block

Equity and Criminal Justice: The Cradle to Prison Pipeline in Indianapolis

Equity and Criminal Justice: The Cradle to Prison Pipeline in Indianapolis

Worlds Further Apart

Worlds Further Apart

Equity in Economic Opportunity: How Race, Place, and Class Impact Economic Mobility in Indianapolis

Equity in Economic Opportunity: How Race, Place, and Class Impact Economic Mobility in Indianapolis

Animated Map of New U.S. COVID-19 Cases Over Time

Animated Map of New U.S. COVID-19 Cases Over Time

Health and Economic Impact of COVID-19 on Neighborhoods

Health and Economic Impact of COVID-19 on Neighborhoods

Indy Evictions May Reach 34,000 or More in 2020

Indy Evictions May Reach 34,000 or More in 2020

Police Used Force on 1.3 Percent of Black Residents Since 2015

Police Used Force on 1.3 Percent of Black Residents Since 2015

Socioeconomic factors explain why some New York ZIP codes were hit hardest by COVID-19

Socioeconomic factors explain why some New York ZIP codes were hit hardest by COVID-19

The Inequalities Behind COVID-19 Disparities for African Americans in Indianapolis

The Inequalities Behind COVID-19 Disparities for African Americans in Indianapolis

Three Ways to Visualize COVID-19 Race and Gender Disparities

Three Ways to Visualize COVID-19 Race and Gender Disparities

How long does it take to get to a grocery in each neighborhood?

How long does it take to get to a grocery in each neighborhood?

Getting Groceries

Getting Groceries

After Expansion, Pacers Bikershare Offers Access to 34 Miles of Bike Trails

After Expansion, Pacers Bikershare Offers Access to 34 Miles of Bike Trails

Michigan Street a Century Ago: A Neighborhood Node

Michigan Street a Century Ago: A Neighborhood Node

Candidate’s Housing Proposal Calls Attention to How We Measure Vacancy Rates

Candidate’s Housing Proposal Calls Attention to How We Measure Vacancy Rates

The Changing Landscape of Poverty

The Changing Landscape of Poverty

Increasing Mortgage Values

Increasing Mortgage Values

Indy’s Poverty Increased over 50 Years, What about Peers?

Indy’s Poverty Increased over 50 Years, What about Peers?

In Christian Park, a Postwar Neighborhood Experiences 21st Century Changes

In Christian Park, a Postwar Neighborhood Experiences 21st Century Changes

Mapping Bands of Urban and Suburban Development

Mapping Bands of Urban and Suburban Development

Children Transfer Often at Charter Schools, Low-Income Schools

Children Transfer Often at Charter Schools, Low-Income Schools

Indy Neighborhoods with Fastest Changing Income Diversity

Indy Neighborhoods with Fastest Changing Income Diversity

Indy’s Least Mixed-Income Neighborhoods

Indy’s Least Mixed-Income Neighborhoods

Estimated 200,000 Indy Residents Live in Food Deserts

Estimated 200,000 Indy Residents Live in Food Deserts

Where Schools Are Changing

Where Schools Are Changing

Indy’s Most Mixed-Income Neighborhoods

Indy’s Most Mixed-Income Neighborhoods

What Can the Opportunity Atlas Tell Us About Indianapolis?

What Can the Opportunity Atlas Tell Us About Indianapolis?

In Neighborhoods North of Speedway, Diversity Among Highest in Indy

In Neighborhoods North of Speedway, Diversity Among Highest in Indy

The Growing Divide Between Rich and Poor Neighborhoods

The Growing Divide Between Rich and Poor Neighborhoods

After Public Investment, St. Clair Place’s Housing Market Significantly Stronger

After Public Investment, St. Clair Place’s Housing Market Significantly Stronger

With New Park Planned in Fishers, How Do Parks Relate to Property Value?

With New Park Planned in Fishers, How Do Parks Relate to Property Value?

In Little Flower, More College Graduates, Young Adults, but Incomes are Falling

In Little Flower, More College Graduates, Young Adults, but Incomes are Falling

Income Inequality High Where Golden Hill and Northwest Indianapolis Converge

Income Inequality High Where Golden Hill and Northwest Indianapolis Converge

Turnout, Absentee Ballots Up In Primary Election

Turnout, Absentee Ballots Up In Primary Election

Changes in Indy’s Historic Black Neighborhoods

Changes in Indy’s Historic Black Neighborhoods

Neighborhood Change 1970-2016

Neighborhood Change 1970-2016

Story Map: Moving Out – Suburbanization Since 1970

Story Map: Moving Out – Suburbanization Since 1970

Story Map: Race and Migration Since 1970

Story Map: Race and Migration Since 1970

Are We Segregated by Educational Attainment?

Are We Segregated by Educational Attainment?

2016 Population Growth in Indianapolis, Central Indiana

2016 Population Growth in Indianapolis, Central Indiana

Domestic Violence in Marion County

Domestic Violence in Marion County

Reported Domestic Violence Victims Declining, but Most Cases Are Dropped or Dismissed

Reported Domestic Violence Victims Declining, but Most Cases Are Dropped or Dismissed

Local Industries Could Be Affected by Steel Tariffs

Local Industries Could Be Affected by Steel Tariffs

What We’re Reading: February 21, 2018

What We’re Reading: February 21, 2018

City Funds Flanner House Micro-Grocery in Food Desert

City Funds Flanner House Micro-Grocery in Food Desert

What We’re Reading: January 14, 2018

What We’re Reading: January 14, 2018

Incomes Rising by Sector, but Real Income Flat Since 2007

Incomes Rising by Sector, but Real Income Flat Since 2007

Mortgage Activity Growing Fastest Among Middle- and Upper-Income Borrowers

Mortgage Activity Growing Fastest Among Middle- and Upper-Income Borrowers

Indy Rezone Defines New Context Areas: Compact and Metro

Indy Rezone Defines New Context Areas: Compact and Metro

On Average, Online Charter Schools Have Lower Graduation Rates

On Average, Online Charter Schools Have Lower Graduation Rates

As Gentrification Bill Considered, Values Increasing Quickly in These Neighborhoods

As Gentrification Bill Considered, Values Increasing Quickly in These Neighborhoods

Who Rides the Bus: Examining Transit Ridership in Marion County

Who Rides the Bus: Examining Transit Ridership in Marion County

The Big-Picture Transformation of Health Care

The Big-Picture Transformation of Health Care

How Density Affects Destiny When It Comes to Tobacco Access

How Density Affects Destiny When It Comes to Tobacco Access

Understanding the “Why” Behind the “What” in the Spread of Disease

Understanding the “Why” Behind the “What” in the Spread of Disease

Unequal Access: Tobacco Retail in the Indianapolis Metro Area

Unequal Access: Tobacco Retail in the Indianapolis Metro Area

Who Has Access to Groceries and Farmers’ Markets?

How Does Tree Coverage Relate to Built and Natural Environment?

How Does Tree Coverage Relate to Built and Natural Environment?

Using the Community Assessment Tool

Using the Community Assessment Tool

The Affordable Housing Market and Why It Matters

The Affordable Housing Market and Why It Matters

The Affordable Housing Market and Why It Matters

The Affordable Housing Market and Why It Matters

The People and Places Poverty Impacts the Most

The People and Places Poverty Impacts the Most

Income, Unemployment, and Health Insurance in Indianapolis

Income, Unemployment, and Health Insurance in Indianapolis

What Type of Businesses are Located in Your Neighborhood?

What Type of Businesses are Located in Your Neighborhood?

A Guide to Traversing Indianapolis Without a Car

A Guide to Traversing Indianapolis Without a Car

The Rich Live Longer Everywhere. For the Poor, Geography Matters.

The Rich Live Longer Everywhere. For the Poor, Geography Matters.

Trends in Crime: Does Perception Match Reality?

Trends in Crime: Does Perception Match Reality?

Worlds Apart: Gaps in Life Expectancy in the Indianapolis Metro Area

Worlds Apart: Gaps in Life Expectancy in the Indianapolis Metro Area

Worlds Apart: Gaps in Life Expectancy in the Indianapolis Metro Area

Worlds Apart: Gaps in Life Expectancy in the Indianapolis Metro Area

ASK JAY: What’s trending in your zip code?

ASK JAY: What’s trending in your zip code?

What Census Tract is that?

What Census Tract is that?

5 Innovative Ways SAVI is Supporting Public Health

5 Innovative Ways SAVI is Supporting Public Health

Population Growth in Central Indiana

Population Growth in Central Indiana

An Update on Domestic Violence in the Criminal Justice System: Marion County, IN

An Update on Domestic Violence in the Criminal Justice System: Marion County, IN

Smoking During Pregnancy Declining in Marion County

Smoking During Pregnancy Declining in Marion County

Domestic Violence in the Criminal Justice System: Marion County, IN

Domestic Violence in the Criminal Justice System: Marion County, IN

Hunger in Central Indiana

Hunger in Central Indiana

How to Create a Chart using SAVI

How to Create a Chart using SAVI

Near Westside Neighborhood

Near Westside Neighborhood

Southeast Neighborhood

Southeast Neighborhood

West Indianapolis

West Indianapolis

Crooked Creek Neighborhood

Crooked Creek Neighborhood

Near Eastside Neighborhood

Near Eastside Neighborhood

The Changing Demographics of the Foreign-Born Population in America and Indiana

The Changing Demographics of the Foreign-Born Population in America and Indiana

Domestic Violence in Marion County

Domestic Violence in Marion County

Our takeaways from the National Neighborhood Indicators Partnership (NNIP) Conference

Our takeaways from the National Neighborhood Indicators Partnership (NNIP) Conference

Are We Losing Our Best and Brightest to Other States?

Are We Losing Our Best and Brightest to Other States?

Love It or Hate It, Charter School Enrollment Is on the Rise

Love It or Hate It, Charter School Enrollment Is on the Rise

Examining Housing Changes Over Time using US Census Data

Examining Housing Changes Over Time using US Census Data

New Trends in Poverty Report Reveals Disparities across Demographics and Neighborhoods

New Trends in Poverty Report Reveals Disparities across Demographics and Neighborhoods

The Impact of Aging Boomers

The Impact of Aging Boomers

Trends in Poverty: Marion County, Indiana 2000 to 2012

Trends in Poverty: Marion County, Indiana 2000 to 2012

A Model to Mitigate Hunger

A Model to Mitigate Hunger

Addressing Hunger in Central Indiana: Gaps and Opportunities

Addressing Hunger in Central Indiana: Gaps and Opportunities

Worst social crisis in the country?

Worst social crisis in the country?

New Demographic Trends Emerge in Marion County’s Growing Population

New Demographic Trends Emerge in Marion County’s Growing Population

Statistics every mother should know about her community

Statistics every mother should know about her community

Indy’s Mass Transit Bill: Debated with Data

Indy’s Mass Transit Bill: Debated with Data

Indiana’s State of Our Black Youth Report Inspires Action

Indiana’s State of Our Black Youth Report Inspires Action

State of our Black Youth Report: 2012 Edition

State of our Black Youth Report: 2012 Edition

2012 Community Report: Early Childhood to College & Career

2012 Community Report: Early Childhood to College & Career

Community Development Corporations

Community Development Corporations

Community Center Service Areas

Community Center Service Areas

Binford Redevelopment and Growth, Inc. (BRAG)

Binford Redevelopment and Growth, Inc. (BRAG)

Changing Diversity in Marion County (1990-2010)

Changing Diversity in Marion County (1990-2010)

Binford Redevelopment and Growth, Inc. (BRAG)

Binford Redevelopment and Growth, Inc. (BRAG)

Births to Mothers Age 15 to 18

Births to Mothers Age 15 to 18

Births to Mothers Age 15 to 18

Births to Mothers Age 15 to 18

Using SAVI Home Mortgage Data to Understand the Indianapolis Housing Market

Using SAVI Home Mortgage Data to Understand the Indianapolis Housing Market

Obesity and Environment in Indianapolis: An Analysis of Neighborhood Indicators

Demographics: Population Change 1990 – 2000

Demographics: Population Change 1990 – 2000