Worlds Apart
An Update on Gaps in Life Expectancy in Central IndianaSAVI Talks – August 26, 2021
In 2015, the IU Fairbanks School of Public Health (FSPH) and The Polis Center published an issue brief, Worlds Apart: Gaps in Life Expectancy in the Indianapolis Metro Area, that brought to light a 14+ year gap in life expectancy between the longest and shortest living communities in Central Indiana. Because of the significant interest and community discussion that the report generated, we have collaborated to update our analysis. We will see which communities gained or lost life expectancy over a 10-year span (prior to COVID-19), and we’ll compare life expectancy at different ages across the life course to see how patterns differ.
In this August 26 SAVI Talks event, we will also share key findings from our deep dive with SAVI data examining underlying social factors and life expectancy in Central Indiana communities. Join us to be informed and help spur community action–because everyone deserves the opportunity for a long and healthy life.
Other partners include The Polis Center, SAVI, WFYI, and the Central Indiana Senior Fund, a fund of the Central Indiana Community Foundation, Inc

Articles and Story Maps
Explore other research and interactive content we have developed around equity.
Indiana’s State of Our Black Youth Report Inspires Action
Late last year, Indiana Black Expo released its much anticipated State of Our Black Youth report. It is the third installment of the series (the previous two reports were released in 2005 and 2007 respectively), but this time, Indiana Black Expo has a loftier plan for...
State of our Black Youth Report: 2012 Edition
Indiana Black Expo, Inc.’s 2012 State of Our Black Youth Report (SOBY) presents statewide data on the health and well-being of Indiana’s Black youth, as well as local data for the following 16 communities: Anderson, East Chicago, Elkhart, Evansville, Fort Wayne, Gary,...
2012 Community Report: Early Childhood to College & Career
In this third community baseline report, you will see the results of such major achievements as the Mapping Transitions to College project, which was critical to the ability of Indianapolis/Marion County Schools to track their students’ postsecondary enrollment...
Community Development Corporations
Community Development Corporations are nonprofit organizations that promote community development such as creation of affordable housing, workforce training, and community organizing and planning. This map shows the service areas of the 20 known, 19 of which are still...
Community Center Service Areas
This map was created for Marion County Commission on Youth (MCCOY), as part of their Early Intervention and Prevention (EIP) Initiative, showing the service area coverage of community centers in Indianapolis. They used this map to to identify what community centers...
Changing Diversity in Marion County (1990-2010)
How can we look beyond the demographic snapshot of our city and begin to explore the social dynamics within and between neighborhoods? An increasingly important concept in public life, diversity can be described in the most basic sense as the number of groups...
Binford Redevelopment and Growth, Inc. (BRAG)
The Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC) Sustainable Communities Initiatives supports community-driven efforts to revitalize neighborhoods through comprehensive community development. In 2006, Indianapolis launched the Great Indy Neighborhoods Initiative...
Births to Mothers Age 15 to 18
The U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention released birth statistics in April 2010 that show a decrease in 2008 of teenage births in the United States after increasing in 2006 and 2007. The U.S. teen birth rate dropped almost two percent between 2007 and...
Using SAVI Home Mortgage Data to Understand the Indianapolis Housing Market
Affordable housing is an issue that concerns everyone. Central Indiana has not experienced the housing boom that affects other regions, especially in coastal areas, but costs are rising here as well. How affordable is housing for residents of the Indianapolis MSA?...
Obesity and Environment in Indianapolis: An Analysis of Neighborhood Indicators
Obesity is presently one of the most serious and challenging health problems facing the developed world. According to the World Health Organization, 55 percent of U.S. adults are overweight with minority women being the most affected. What is causing the dramatic and...
Tess Weathers
IU Richard M. Fairbanks School of Public Health
Karen Comer
The Polis Center
Jay Colbert
The Polis Center
Matt Nowlin
The Polis Center
Jeramy Townsley
The Polis Center
Event Partners

SAVI Talks Presenters
Tess Weathers
IU Richard M. Fairbanks School of Public Health
Matt Nowlin
Data Analyst
Polis Center
SAVI Talks Panelists
Ashley Gurvitz
Exec. Director & CEO
Alliance for Northeast Unification
Sabae Martin
Butler Tarkington Neighborhood ASsaoc. Board Member
Ron Rice
DIP-IN Commnity Health Worker
Flanner House
LaShauna Triplett
School Director
Mackide Lovveal & Trip Outreach Center
Farah Yousry
Health Equity Repoirter
WFYI Public Media